James G. McAuley, PE  B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech. Professional Engineer, State  of Texas. Mr. McAuley has extensive experience collecting field data, analysis, and developing solutions to reduce the cost and improve the quality and reliability of compressed air systems. He has personally performed over three hundred system audits and evaluations. He has participated in the implementation of over 75 system retrofits, providing application assistance, installation guidance, and measurement and verification services.


  • Mr. McAuley is recognized by U.S. DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy as a Qualified AIRMaster+ Specialist in the use of AIRMaster+ Software for evaluation of general industrial compressed air systems operational results.  
  • Mr. McAuley is a past President of the board of the Compressed Air Challenge, a Government/Industry collaborative designed to foster, encourage, and improve the efficient generation and use of compressed air. 
  • He developed a training course and has trained over 150 engineering professionals in the collection and analysis of field data to determine cost effective changes in operation to reduce cost, improve quality and increase reliability of industrial compressed air systems.
  • He has extensive contacts throughout the industry including manufacturers, equipment distributors, local service providers, end users, consultants, and industry trade groups. These relationships contribute to his desire and ability to always recommend the best solution for his clients.




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